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Library Update


The library has continued to receive donations and this year we acknowledge the following with thanks:

“Fragments of a Faith Forgotten” by GRS Mead

“Gurdjieff: Making a New World” by JG Bennett

“A Study of Gurdjieff’s Teaching” by Kenneth Walker

“The Fourth Way” by PD Ouspensky

“Tertium Organum” by PD Ouspensky

“The Apocryphal New Testament” translated by MR James

“The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius”

“The Works of Meister Eckhart” Vol II

“Love and God” by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

“From Darkness to Light: An Anthology” edited by Victor Gollancz

“The Ten Principal Upanishads” translated by Shree Purohit Swami and WB Yeats

given by Brigit Howitt


“A New Vision of Christianity” by Sahajananda  from Linda Bremford


“From the Big Bang to God” by Lloyd Geering  from Jean Watson


“Captured in Tibet” by Robert Ford

“You Must Die Once” by Ian Robertson

from David Weekly


“Chinese Poems” translated by Arthur Waley

“The Poems and Fables of John Dryden”

“Hopkins: A Literary Biography” by Norman White

“Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence” by Laurens van der Post

“Mexico” by William Johnson

“Glastonbury” edited by Anthony Roberts

from Ron Ward


“Nat’s Stories” by Natalie Brasneil gift anonymously


The following new and secondhand books have been purchased:

“Inspirations” by Paul Coelho

“Wisdom Sings the World” by Douglas Thorpe

“Mysticism in English Literature” by Caroline Spurgeon

“Studies in the Psychology of Mysticism” by Joseph Maréchal

“The Nature of Human Consciousness” by Robert Ornstein

“The Intelligent Heart” by David McArthur

“The Tao of Chaos” by Katya Walter

“The Quantum Mind” by Arnold Mindell

“Space, Time and Medicine” by Larry Dossey

“Healing beyond the Body” by Larry Dossey

“Quantum Healing” by Deepak Chopra

“50 Philosophy Classics” by Tom Butler-Bowden

“The Heart of Philosophy” by Joseph Needham

“Philosophy” by Philip Slater

“Guide to the Good Life” by William Irvine

“Conversations on Non-Duality” edited by Eleanora Gilbert

“Silence” by Robert Sardello

“The Heart’s Code” by Paul Pearsall

“Old Age” by Helen Luke

“Beyond Suffering: The Message of Job” by Layton Talbert

“The Pilgrim’s Tale” edited by Aleksie Pentkovsky

“The Mystical Sense of the Gospels” by James Somerville

“Authentic Spirituality”” by Richard Potter

“To have a Centre” by Frithjof Schuon

“The Transcendent Unity of Religions” by Frithjof Schuon

“Second Simplicity” by Bruno Barnhart

“The Holy Trinity and the Law of Three” by Cynthia Bougeault

“The Yoga of its Christ” by Ravi Ravindra

“The Front Room Gita” (see commentary by Ron Ward)


Audio-visual Material

The following donations have been added to our collection:


“The Canterbury Tales”

“The Book of Kells”

“Pyramid Beyond Imagination”

from Linda Bremford


“The Liturgy of St John Chrysostom”  - Choir of the London Russian Orthodox Cathedral

(see “Music Notes” “Contact”)

 from Linda Bremford


“Authority and Scripture” featuring Marcus Borg and Nicholas Wright

“Living Buddha, Living Chris” featuring Thích Nhất Hạnh

from David Weekley


“The Wonders of Life” featuring Brian Cox

“The World of Joseph Campbell”

from Ron Ward

Ron has also transferred some of our audio and video tapes to CDs and DVDs and has made the most recent issues of “Contact” available on CDs.


The following CDs have been purchased:

“Letting Go” (4 CD set) featuring: Cynthia Bougeault

“The Depth of Silence” (6 CD set) featuring Cynthia Bougeault and based on the book “Silence” by Robert Sardello (WSG library).

“Philosophy” (4 CD set) featuring Ann Kerwin and Bryan Crump

“One Two Three of God” featuring Ken Wilbur discussing his book, “Integral Spirituality” (Wellington City Libraries)

“Gregorian Chants” - Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos

“The Liturgy of St John Chrysostom”  - Choir of the London Russian Orthodox Cathedral

(see “Music Notes” “Contact”)

 from Linda Bremford

Michael Harris has given us a laptop computer and this is now available for use in the library.

We have now run out of all easily accessible shelf space and so that our library can continue to grow, we are planning to build more shelves in the coming year.

Priscilla Arnold

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