Wellington Meditation Centre
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A word from the Chair - June 2014

It is mid-winter, the days are short and I hear rain on the window.  A time to close down and wait for the spring – not for our group it would seem.  (note this was written a few months ago) Three significant projects are underway which are bringing with them an exciting new energy.

In my annual report at the AGM I asked the question “…should we be doing more to raise our profile and attract new members?  How can we best do this with the limited resources available?”  I am delighted that Loo Conner has taken up this challenge and given some fresh youthful input into it.  She has asked the very relevant questions about how we may have experienced a “moment of magic” with WSG and how this has helped us to move forward.  From the responses she has received she is working towards ideas which will catch the eye of potential new members looking for a way forward of their own.

Meanwhile we are introducing a new booking system for Hobson Cres.  We have almost 50 groups who hire the premises on either a regular or casual premises.  They provide an essential income to help maintain the building, and pay the significant insurance fees we now face.  For many years the bookings have been very ably managed by Aravinda Bertrand but she is no longer able to do this so I have temporary taken over the task.  The booking schedule is being transferred to a website which will simplify the process, enable us to share the task of managing it and help to reconcile the payment of fees.  Many thanks to Chris Paice for developing this process for us.  It is being trialled at present but once implemented we will then be looking for someone to take over the role so please do let me know if you are interested.

Our third project is the result of obtaining a grant from the Lotteries Board.  The bathrooms and toilets at Strathean are to be upgraded to modern standards and provide a shower and toilet for people with disabilities. Yvonne is busy finalising plans, gaining District Council approval and obtaining quotations for the first stage off this significant project.  Once complete we will be able to offer to our community of hirers a place that accommodates those with disabilities and fits well with the ethos of the WSG.

So we have no time for the winter blues.  The management of the WSG continues to evolve as we embrace new processes and nurture the premises we own.  However the teaching remains the same and provides a foundation for us all, with some magic moments to help us move forward.


Larry Purchas
Ph 04 905 0570,   mobile 027 628 6361
June 2014

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