Karen McCarty
Wellington Meditation Centre
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Karen McCarty

Karen planned her funeral beautifully and with a lot of love and care.  She arranged for both an Anglican and a Catholic Priest to preside and they were both generous with their willingness to celebrate her life with readings she had chosen from H H Shantanand Saraswati and Rumi.  The Rumi poem she chose at the beginning of the service expresses so well the unity which echoed through the funeral.

One Song

What is praised is one, so the praise is one too,

Many jugs being poured

Into a huge basin.  All religions, all this singing,

One song.

The differences are just illusion and vanity. Sunlight

Looks slightly different

On this wall than it does on that wall and a lot different

On this other one, but


It is still one light.  We have borrowed these clothes, these

Time-and-space personalities,

From a light and when we praise,

we pour them back in.


Recently she wrote to us that:

 “the Study Group has enabled me to grow spiritually and live my life in a much better way.  The meditation and Teaching has been a huge part of my life over the past 27 years or so.  That would not have been possible without the Study Group and everyone who works so hard to keep it going here in Wellington. I am so grateful to His Holiness and to Dr Roles.    With best wishes and love, Karen”.

Michael and Gillian Harris

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